When attempting to create a data link through my Jira connector using the following JQL...
project=SAVE AND createdDate >=2015-01-01&fields=assignee,status,resolution,customfield_12167
...I am seeing this error:
Can not parse input: Failed to open '': Bad Request (400): Error in the JQL Query: Expecting either 'OR' or 'AND' but got ','. (line 1, character 58)
Upon reviewing the JSON definitions for the data link experiencing errors against a test data link from a newer version of Datameer, we spotted a slight difference in the structure.
Snip from original failing JSON:
"include": true,
"acceptEmpty": true,
"origin": "fields.customfield_12167value",
"valueType": "
"name": "Custom_Reason1",
"pattern": "",
"id": 60053,
"version": 3
Snip from working JSON:
"include": true,
"acceptEmpty": true,
"origin": "fields.customfield_12167.[value]",
"valueType": "
"name": "Custom_Reason1",
"pattern": "",
"id": 60053,
"version": 3
The difference in the edit:
Adding the '.[value]' in place of simply 'value' allowed the data to be pulled in as expected.
This issue was address and repaired in JIRA: DAP-25109
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