How to use datameer REST API curl command?



  • Official comment
    Alan Mark

    Since your environment is SSL secured, you will need to do one of two things:

    1. get the CA certificate and use the --cacert parameter on the curl command to specify your certificate.  

    2. specify --insecure on the curl command so that the certificate isn't validated.

    You can find more information about both of these options in the link noted in your error message:

    As to your second question relating to password visibility, unfortunately there isn't a way to hide your password.  It's just the nature of using cURL.

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  • Sravan Xa Kumar



    Can we use the --negotiate option of Curl to connect to Datameer Rest API? It doesn't work when tried in our environment.

    Performed kinit first and used --negotiate in curl to make use of that kerberos ticket. Please let us know how it works.

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  • Joel Stewart

    Sravan, there's no SPNEGO authentication on the Datameer HTTP(S) web server. As a result, the --negotiate option in Curl is not useful for Datameer REST API calls. 

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