Use SQL as an alternative to interactive creation of the workflow steps on workbook sheets



  • Alan Mark

    Hi Tatiana,

    There is not a method for entering SQL statements directly into a workbook.   However, as part of the creation process for an Import Job or a Data Link you can use a SQL statement to define the data to be brought into the workbook.

    Please see our documentation Importing Data from a Database - SQL statement for further details.

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  • Tatiana

    Thank you for your answer, Alan. It would be great to add this feature at some point, as it would help more advanced users fast track their data transformation work in Datameer.

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  • Pooja Palan

    Hi Tatiana, 

    Thanks for the sending your feature request. Curious to know which steps are you keen to code in SQL, example; data extraction / select queries , joins, filters, aggregations or sql transformations?

    Also, Curious to know, if the motivation for requesting this feature; for migration / reusing of SQL from older applications. 


    Are you attempting to perform some power user operations using SQL which are not available via the Datameer UI? 

    Or other reasons..

    Learning more about your context will help us understand how to go about processing this feature request 

    Cheers! Pooja :D

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  • Tatiana


    Thank you for enquiring further - happy to clarify.

    Believe that all of the examples you provided could be a good fit for coding direct SQL into a Datameer workbook, primarily for the purpose of fast-tracking the time it might take to prepare a dataset by having to work sheet by sheet and by adding formulas via the UI. For example, a data preparation task may require a data type conversion, data summarization and grouping of rows, and these operations can typically be achieved in an SQL statement, output from which could form a dataset for the next sheet in the workbook. The concept we are thinking of can be described as this: for each operation using UI, there is an SQL statement the tool produces  on the background and executes against the data management system. So we are curious if it was possible to see this auto-generated statement or even produce one of our own instead? Power users who know how to write SQL would take advantage of this feature, while the business users who typically only operate with Excel and formulas in UI would continue working the usual way.

    Hope it clarifies our requirements. Appreciate your time and advice.


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