How to copy all artifacts from user A to user B ?
Hi there,
In my workplace, we use datameer for Hadoop. I am new to datameer. I have been asked to perform a job. Let's say, I am user C and
User A has been creating and maintaining all datameer jobs and he wants someone else (User B) to maintain the jobs. So, I have been asked to copy all the artifacts from user A to user B.
But, i don't have read Permission on user A folders.
But, How can i achieve this process?.
Also, I am wondering what happens under the hood if we copy all the artifacts from user A to user B. Does it copy the underline data as well or it copies only the artifacts?
Suppose if it copies the underline data as well, then there will be 2 copies of same data and how data integration will be managed. Also, it is not necessary having 2 copies right..
Please note that, this is in Production.
Official comment
In order to create a copy of any artifact, it is required that you have Read access to the original artifact. If that is not available for a specific user, any Datameer administrator could perform the copy instead.
Generally speaking, the copy function copies only the definition of the artifact and not the underlying data for it.
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Hi there,
Thanks for your reply. But, my senior technical specialist told that when we don't have read permission, we can use REST API curl command to copy folders and files from one user to another user.
I am not sure the steps which involves to copy folders and files using REST commands.
To copy a file, you need read access. With regards to REST API, we do not support copying of files. Here's what our REST API supports.
Hi Jee,
There is no direct copy command. However you can Read an artifact to get the JSON description, then modify the JSON to give the file a new name, and finally Create a new artifact based on that JSON description. This would give you a second copy of the file.
You can find the details on how to Read and Create artifacts using the REST API here: Overview Table REST Commands
Additionally, I'm wondering if you don't necessarily want a copy of an artifact, but maybe just want to change the ownership of an existing artifact? You can also do this with the REST API, and the details can be found in the link above.
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