Generating Unique string for each record
Hi there,
I am looking for a way to generate unique string for each record(to identify each record uniquely) in datameer workbook.
Hi Alan,
Thanks for the reply. But, I have been asked to add UUID for each record to identify uniquely.
And, one more thing, I need to add some extra columns like warehouse-id, audit_id. I know how to generate values for these columns but not sure how to add these columns to an existing worksheet.
For example,
The workbook contains some columns(from import file - source file ) like:
ACTIVITY_IDBut, I need to add some columns like
AUDIT_IDSo the output columns form the worksheet should be
Hi Kavitha,
Query number 1. I have been asked to add UUID for each record to identify uniquely.Two steps we already mentioned will add unique identificator for every row you have in your dataset.
For example:Name Age GroupBy(1) UniqueID
Ann 25 1 1
Tom 35 1 2In case, according to your requirements Unique ID 1,2,3,4.... are not acceptable, you could add SHA function to this column and get hash values of unique row number, which will look like 345jbjbkjjdlnr34r30i04jc0m3445c.
Full formula for this column would be SHA_1(GROUPROWNUMBER())Name Age GroupBy(1) SHA_1(GROUPROWNUMBER())
Ann 25 1 345jbjbkjjdlnr34r30i04jc0m3445c
Tom 35 1 hg6jbjhl[kwekre0i04jc0pjo93hk3
Query number 2. I need to add some extra columns.Just to clarify - Datameer doesn't work as Excel and you can't just create a new column in a Workbook and add there data you want. If you imported a dataset into Datameer and it contains 4 columns with data, in a Workbook you will work with these information only. You would be able to transform and analyse this data using powerful instruments we provide, but when you need to add some more data which can't be generated from the initial one via math functions, you should import it.
Back to your example.
You have a Workbook in Datameer which has 4 columns on the Sheet.ACTIVITY_TYPE
ACTIVITY_IDYou could add two more columns like
AUDIT_IDSimply apply formula GROUPBY(1) to the next column and rename this column to whatever you need. But keep in mind that information in this column wouldn't be meaningful.
For example, you have below data in a Workbook (2 columns).ACTIVITY_TYPE ACTIVITY_PURPOSE
test audit
release uploadYou could add 3rd column, by the approach we've mentioned earlier. But all values in this column will be the same, as they are auto-generated by a certain formula.
test audit 1
release upload 1
If you need to add some "real" ID for different ACTIVITY_TYPE, this should be arranged before data is ingested to Datameer.In case I misunderstood your request, could you please provide 2 screenshots, please:
- 1st - how your Workbook looks right now.
- 2nd - how you need it to look like (you could create a sample in Excel, just to let us understand final goal)
Another approach might be to create a Simple Custom Function by using our Plug-in SDK and which leverages Java capabilities to generate an UUID.
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