What is the best way of creating a boolean column based on an integer column?
AnsweredHi Folks, what is the best way in a workbook of creating a boolean column based on an integer column. If I was to pseudo code it, it would be as follows:
"#_CrashData2010!K" = true;
"#_CrashData2010!K" = false;
Thanks in advance for your insights... I'm looking to have an extra boolan column based on an integer column returning the number of folks injured.
Hello John,
Depending on your input data set and the values available you will have different possibilities.
For a data set without negative or null values
=IF(GT(#CrashData2010!NUMBEROFPERSONSINJURED;0); true; false)
For a data set which might contain negative or null values it could be helpful to have an additional clearing rule.
=IF(GT(#CrashData2010!NUMBEROFPERSONSINJURED;0); true; (IF(EQUALS(#CrashData2010!NUMBEROFPERSONSINJURED;0); false; null)))
Will this work in the way you like?
Hello John,
Right, there is also a command Less Then, called LT (https://documentation.datameer.com/documentation/current/LT). You can find all available functions listed in https://documentation.datameer.com/documentation/current/Datameer+Functions.
Hi, thanks for the formula dude.. it crashed the sheet with on both occassions with Sheet contains errors.
Sheet 'CrashData2010' referenced in 'ProcDataSheet' does not exist in: [NYC_NYPD_CrashData2010, ProcDataSheet, ClusteringSheet1, artifactsheet_4c901ed4ade6440c9b0f19393b6faf8f, artifactsheet_3d1dfd8c1b594ac687308ad385d74453, artifactsheet_04095a6b0a374f19bd7c16ebcfa347a8, artifactsheet_f15a7ed2b1634cef97792bc7b55b5c8c].Any further insights on getting a boolean would be most appreciated... Thanks bro!!..
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