Preparing Data for Infographics



  • Pundir

    It's a very relevant question.
    We often get this request from our customers and we are in the process of addressing it.

    Aggregating data from the Visualizations themselves are on the immediate road map.
    Just like you suggest soon you’ll be able to throw a large data sheet directly into Infographics and perform aggregations directly by specifying a function like ’sum’, ‘avg’, ‘count’ etc.

    Moreover consumers of the Infographics will also be able to de-aggregate this data using drilldowns, ad-hoc filters etc.
    However for now you’ll have to aggregate the data in Workbooks and create Infographic charts based on that.

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  • Tiago Rubio

    Hi again, any news on this topic? I'm in need of this function, our other visualization tool does not support datasets larger than 5 GB.

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  • Alan Mark

    Hi Tiago,

    This capability will not be implemented within Datameer for infographics.

    However I believe you're looking to do Data Exploration, which we have Visual Explorer for now.


    Alan Mark

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