Trying to understand various licenses and scenarios correctly
We are new to Datameer and have a few questions on licensing that our prospects are asking us. Can you please let us know? Many Thanks.
1) For Personal License, is it "on-premise" only? Does "Embedded Hadoop" come with Apache Hadoop?
2) For WorkGroup and Professional licences, is there an on-premise version available or is it Cloud-only?
3) Getting the Hadoop Cluster up and running, whether on-premise or in-cloud is completely the client's responsibility and not Datameer's. Can you verify that my understanding is correct?
4) For Workbook (Hadoop Embedded-Cloud), is it Apache Hadoop?
5) For Professional, it says "Hadoop-as-a-Service". Is that with Apache Hadoop and no other distribution?
6) For Enterprise, are both on-premise and Cloud options available?
7) For Enterprise, how does 'Unlimited Users' exactly work on-premise and in-cloud in the below scenarios?
a) For On-premise: Say, we have a 30-node Hadoop cluster, would that mean that only 30 installations of Datameer application would be allowed? 1 Datameer installation per node? What if I have say, 40 Datameer users on a 30 node cluster? How will that work?
b) for On-Cloud: How does the above scenario work on cloud?
8) The licences 500GB/year (WorkGroup) and 5TB/year (Professional) are in total ?( meaning, the limits are not per user but cumulative for 10 users and 25 users)?
Sorry for the long list of questions but as you can imagine these are and will be asked of us during discussions with our clients. Many Thanks.
Official comment
Rahul, these questions are best discussed with our sales team that can go through these options with you in detail. I'll request that someone from our Partner team reach out to you based on your team membership.
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