Tableau vs Datameer



  • Venu Reddy

    Hi Nilesh,

    Thanks for your enquiry about Datameer. Here are some reasons why adding Datameer would make your job easier: 

    If you have questions about specific functionality, please let us know. 

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  • Frances Angulo

    Hi NIlesh, We get this question a lot!

    Datameer vs. Tableau

    Datameer is an end to end big data analytics application- so we do integration, preparation, analytics, and visualization. Tableau is largely a visualization tool with some analytics types features.

    Datameer with Tableau! 

    You might be interested to note that Datameer has a native Tableau export feature- because there is a great workflow using Datameer for Integration, combining of data sources, cleansing, model development, etc. and pushing it to Tableau for more advanced an interactive visualizations on the smaller set of data. Datameer offers a wide range of connectors, native imports, and custom connector options, visual data profiling of all your data at every step of the analytics process, user friendly joins, preparation features, and excel-like functions- Datameer also has built in visualization.

    In short, it's hard to compare Datameer directly to Tableau, but easier to identify where the strengths are in each platform and talk about what workflows work for you. I hope that helps! 

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