Date Difference



  • Venu Reddy

    Hi Peter,

    Since you mentioned that date2 could be blank, shouldn't the formula check against date2 instead?

    Try with:

    IF(NOT(ISBLANK(#date2)); subtract(ASDATE(#date2);ASDATE(#date1))/1d);null)

    Also, once you convert strings to dates, you can do subtraction using the minus operator:


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  • Peter Han-Grassman

    Venu, Sorry, date1 can be blank.  Date2 will always be populated.  Any thoughts with that use case?

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  • Joel Stewart

    Is #date1 an empty string or is it null? 

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  • Peter Han-Grassman

    It's an empty string

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  • Joel Stewart

    I was able to successfully use your original formula and execute then re-open the workbook successfully. I'm using Datameer 5.11.14, what version did you test with? 

    There may be some additional context to the error message in the conductor.log file:

    Does the Workbook execution complete successfully or does it complete with warnings? 

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  • Peter Han-Grassman

    v. 4.5.22

    Completes with warnings


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  • Joel Stewart

    Since it completes with warnings, there is likely some details in the Job Trace that may point to the cause in more detail (i.e. with a stack trace).

    I'd recommend collecting and reviewing the Job Trace:

    If you'd like assistance with reviewing the Job Trace, I'd recommend creating a ticket with our dedicated Support team and attaching the Job Trace to troubleshoot this specific occurrence. 

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