Audit Artifact Dependencies



  • Gido

    The feature you are looking for is available via REST API call Workbook Dependencies, which is part of an add on package Advanced Governance

    After installing the REST API Dependencies add-on, you can download the hierarchy of up- and downstream dependencies for a given workbook in JSON format.

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  • Joel Stewart

    Hi BJ, the most accessible method for this is through the Toggle Dependencies button as you have highlighted. 

    Within the database, only the immediate "parent" of the existing artifact is stored. Building the full chain of dependencies through a single query is cumbersome since SQL is not well suited for recursion. Furthermore, the dependencies in the metadata are stored differently for different connection types (i.e. workbook-to-workbook or import-to-workbook).

    How long are the dependencies in your environment? I'd be glad to share this feedback with our product team directly to request a product enhancement on your behalf.

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