Unable to install Datameer Desktop on Linux


1 comment

  • Joel Stewart

    Hi Tyler, we're glad you're here. Yes, support tickets do require a support subscription but usage of the Datameer Community is available for all. The Datameer Community is moderated by many technical team members including support agents, solutions engineers and members of our product team. 

    If using an RPM/Debian installer file, Datameer installs to /usr/local/Datameer-<Version>-<HadoopVersion> 

    Datameer uses a binary called "conductor.sh" so if it is not found in /usr/local, I'd recommend executing the following command to search the filesystem for this binary: 

    find / -name conductor.sh

    This is mentioned in our Installation Guide and includes next steps for configuring Datameer for the initial start up and then starting the instance. 


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