Split Data import by COALESCE Column?
I'm wondering what option I have when I want to enable concurrent importing from a DB2 connection where I have written a custom query. Basically it is a FULL OUTER JOIN between two tables containing the same but opposite variables (one is for online usage by customers by month and the other is offline usage). I use COALESCE to combine the customer keys and the time keys in the Custom SQL, and I would like to enable concurrent importing by the combined time key from both tables.
My solution was to put this into a sub query and SELECT * from that sub-query and put the time key in $$. This runs, but at the end of the job all records fail.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there another way of doing this? (without splitting it up into two tasks)
Thanks in advance
Artur, thanks for your question. The only additional consideration that comes to my mind is to create a View in the DB2 system if it is available. I haven't tested this directly as I don't have quick access to a suitable system to replicate -- this idea may not be compatible with DB2 directly or may not be compatible with a particular Datameer version. In short, if you can create a view that has the columns pre-defined as a join you may be able to select that as the key for splitting when defining the Import Job or Data Link within Datameer.
Speaking more generally, I would recommend splitting the task in two and performing the join within a Datameer workbook downstream. This allows your users to be more flexible when selecting the data set. They could select the left set, the right set, or a pre-joined set from a workbook.
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