Parse Message Body from Email



  • Joel Stewart

    This is easiest to handle when the data is being brought into Datameer using the HTML Files type:

    Specifically, if you select the "Remove meta information and HTML tags" option from the HTML Parse Options on the Data Details page, you're left with just this data: 

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec scelerisque, ante eget imperdiet pretium, enim sapien imperdiet enim, id sollicitudin elit justo in lectus. Vivamus nec erat id nibh gravida accumsan. Nullam vel nulla in libero luctus rhoncus non vitae nibh. Aenean eget est pretium, viverra mauris quis, tristique dui.   id sollicitudin elit justo in lectus. Vivamus nec erat id nibh gravida accumsan. Nullam vel nulla in libero luctus rhoncus non vitae nibh. Aenean eget est pretium, viverra mauris quis, tristique dui.   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec scelerisque, ante eget imperdiet pretium, enim sapien imperdiet enim, id sollicitudin elit justo in lectus. Vivamus nec erat id nibh gravida accumsan. Nullam vel nulla in libero luctus  
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  • James Watkins

    what if the connection is IMAP/POP?

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  • Joel Stewart

    In that case, the data can be extracted using the function directly. This is the same process that I recommended during ingestion but available within the workbook.

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  • James Watkins

    bingo. thats the one. thanks so much for the quick help Joel.

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