Impala JDBC Driver



  • Official comment
    Brian Junio


    Good afternoon!

    First, we'll need to ensure that we've selected the correct JDBC driver from Cloudera's site:

    Next, we can review Cloudera's JDBC configuration doc:

    Now that we've got a solid base, lets address your questions.

    >Which Database Driver Template should be used?

    The templates are based around general expectations for connection strings throughout several offerings.  As you may be aware, you are allowed to enter a custom string rather than relying on the existing templates.

    My advice would be to review the "impala_jdbc" configuration doc above and model the connection string after their suggestion.  Additional details can be found under the header "Using the Cloudera JDBC Connector".

    >Are there any reasons to select between Hive or Impala when a Data Link is created?

    This is a scenario where one format may offer advantages over the other in terms of cluster performance.  There are no notable differences from the Datameer side when interacting with either Impala or Hive.

    Do note, a JDBC Connection will suffer greatly in performance when compared to our native Hive Connector.  I would suggest you create both Connection types and work with a uniform data set between the two services.  A few quick use case tests should reveal to you which path is best for your configuration.  




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  • Arturo Huacre

    Thanks for your response, Brian.

    Now i have a Impala Connection created, but when i try to import a table, i'm getting below error in the Data Details tab:

    • Can not parse input: [Cloudera][ImpalaJDBCDriver](500051) ERROR processing query/statement. Error Code: 0, SQL state: TStatus(statusCode:ERROR_STATUS, sqlState:HY000, errorMessage:AnalysisException: Syntax error in line 1: SELECT * FROM "bcp_edv_ods"."de_importeper... ^ Encountered: STRING LITERAL Expected: DEFAULT, IDENTIFIER CAUSED BY: Exception: Syntax error ), Query: SELECT * FROM "bcp_edv_ods"."de_importepercentildolpcte" WHERE ROWNUM <= 10

    I am using a kerberos authentication.

    Thanks in advance.



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  • Alan Mark

    Hi Arturo,

    We received your case in Zendesk #16304.

    We will follow up with you within this ticket.

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