Does datameer structured data & HDP 3.0 support it ? Also, does it involve data movement?



  • Konsta Danyliuk

    Hello Arvind.
    I believe below sections of Datameer documentation help you to get better understanding of the product capabilities. 

    Our engineers are currently working on HDP 3.1 support and it should be available in close future.

    May I ask you to provide more details on below questions, please, and I would be happy to share required information.

    • Does it involve data movement
    • What's the response type for 1 TB of data
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  • Konsta Danyliuk

    Hello Arvind.

    Looks like you provided additional details, please find my feedback below.

    Does it involve data movement? Traditional BI tools such as Tableau involves data movement. i.e. data needs to be moved from Data Lake to Tableau Server. Is it the same case with Datameer? 

    • Yes, Datameer allows to ingest data from different sources, store it in HDFS for further processing without a need to connect to the datasource again. You might want to review Importing Data section of our documentation for more details.

    What's the response type for 1 TB of data? If Hive table contains data for last 3 years with billions of rows, how fast will be the response type if we try to query the data for last 2 years?

    • Datameer usually acts as a job compiler, that creates a map/reduce job and sends it to a Hadoop cluster for processing. Thereby execution time might vary depends on numerous factors, like dataset size, environment configuration, logic complexity and of course available computation power.

    If you would like to arrange a demo session and review Datameer capabilities, I believe the best way would be to connect you with an appropriate team. I'll double check internally, to identify the right person who will reach you. 


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  • Konsta Danyliuk

    Hello Arvind.

    The best way to get in touch with Datameer and be routed to appropriate team who could arrange a Demo session for you, is to submit a request at

    Feel free to follow up here if you will not get a response in couple of days.

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