datameer job failed on cluster



1 comment

  • Konsta Danyliuk

    Hello Ibrahim.
    I hope you are doing fine.

    As far as I can see from the shared job log, it fails with datameer.dap.sdk.importjob.NoInputPathFoundException, which most likely means that the input data is not available for this Workbook. Have you tried to rerun the job, perhaps there is an issue with a certain DataNode?

    To investigate further, I would need a complete JobTrace for this execution. How to Collect a Job Trace.

    As well, Vodafone has a Datameer support subscription, thereby you could raise a regular support ticket, which will be a more convenient way to work on this issue.

    To raise a support ticket, please navigate, sign in with your corporate email, go to Contact Support and Submit a new request.

    If you do not have an account associated with your corporate email, please sing up first. You could also submit a ticket without logging in, simply going to -> Contact Support -> Submit New Request, but please be sure that you put your corporate email instead of I would still recommend to sing up though.





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