Converting the HHHH:mm:ss values in an excel file to a date field


1 comment

  • Sabeel

    Hi Syed,

    In order to help you with your requirement, I would like to understand this use case better.

    Could you please clarify on below points. Let me know if I missed something.

    - You have the raw data (input) that indicates the total time a call center spent on the line during a certain period Eg: a day/ a week/ a month.

    - This Data is aggregated into values like `HHHH:MM:ss` eg: 5077:35:47, that means the call center spent 5077 hr, 35 min and 47 sec on the line. Could you please provide a few sample data here from Excel for the reference?

    - This data was ingested into Datameer from Excel using an import job on the DATE data type.

    If my assumption is correct, the next question I would like to ask is, what you need to do with this data in Datameer? Please clarify for what you need to use it and how to transform it.




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