Creating Datalinks with Parquet


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  • Official comment

    Hi Brandon,

    The Parquet LIST data type is unfortunately not supported with our current implementation.  You can find our documentation for supported Parquet field types here: Data Mapping in Parquet

    However, I think we can solve your solution through Workbook configuration.  You do not need to keep intermediate sheets within a workbook.  This means that you can create a sheet just for tokenizing the string into a list, and then set that sheet as 'unkept' and the data will not be materialized into HDFS, so there will be no duplicate.

    You can still use the results from this intermediate, unkept, sheet in subsequent sheets within the same workbook.  Then, only keep the final result sheet you care about.  You can find more detail about this in our documentation here: Saving results and time based partitions

    Let me know if that helps!

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