Need clarification on formula
I need this formula below to show not only blank values for lastbuildorship but also put Y if the lastbuildorship is older then 3 years old. So all 3 rules have to work together: GlobalQ=0, lastbuildorship is blank or older then 3 years to receive Y. Please advise whats wrong with my formula?
IF(AND(#GlobalQ==0; AND(ISBLANK(#Lastbuildorship); #Lastbuildorship<ADDTODATE(TODAY();"3y"))); "Y"; "N")
Hello, Natasha.
In case you need to put several conditions into an IF statement, I would recommend use || (OR) and && (AND) signs.For eample IF( #A>0 && #B<2; Then; Else)
I guess in your case the following formula should work.
IF(#GlobalQ == 0 && ( ISBLANK(#Lastbuildorship) || #Lastbuildorship < ADDTODATE(TODAY();"3y") ); "Y"; "N")
Hi, Hatasha.
Do you get any particular error message when trying to apply this formula? What does it say if you hover over the column in error?
In my lab both below formulas work fine (Col #A is int, Col #B is date).IF(#A == 0 && ( ISBLANK(#B) || #B < ADDTODATE(TODAY();"3y") ); "Y"; "N")
IF(#A == 0 && ( ISBLANK(#B) || #B < ADDTODATE(TODAY();"-3y") ); "Y"; "N")
What Datameer version do you use?
Hi, Hatasha.
Do you think you could provide screenshots of your #GlobalQ, #Lastbuildorship, and the Result columns and point to incorrect calculation results, so I could see input and output data?
In case the data is sensitive, perhaps it is possible to create a mock-up that demonstrates the problem.
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