Importing Excel Issue if some rows have null



  • Alan Mark

    Hi Elwyn,

    You can work around this within the product by expanding the Advanced section of the Data Details step while creating the Import job.  There, you can increase the number of records read for schema detection.  Simply increase the value to something that you're certain will catch a non-null record for the column.  

    Let us know if you have any further questions!

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  • Elwyn Roberts

    Thanks Alan.  Unfortunately it looks like we are not using the same version...  I dont have that option available.

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  • Alan Mark

    Hi Elwyn,

    Does the column appear in the Define Fields step?  Or is it missing entirely?  You might just need to click the 'include' checkbox on the column there.


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  • Elwyn Roberts

    It is in the Data Details and does have include.  As mentioned, if we put space in the first row after the heading, it imports fine.  (there are roughly 200K rows, the first row with values is at row 3000 - but no guarantees)

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  • Alan Mark

    On the Configure step, could you try raising the number of sample records to 10,000 to see if increasing the sample will help catch a column with data?

    If this doesn't work, I'll need to do some testing with additional properties, I'm pretty sure there's a way to make this happen, but it might end up being a global change - which could have adverse effects on other jobs.

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  • Konsta Danyliuk

    Hello Elwyn.

    Could you please let us know what Datameer version you use and the MS Office version the source Excel file has been created?

    I've run a test in Datameer-11.1.9 and the Excel file (MS Excel 16.29) with 1130 records with the following schema.

    • Col1 - 1130 values
    • Col2 - no values
    • Col3 - 4 values
    • Col4 - 4 values
    • Col5 - 4 values

    Col2 has been included in the dataset schema, and there was no issue with how the data is displayed in the Workbook.

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  • Elwyn Roberts

    Hi Alan - we have done what you suggested, it runs on a schedule at 11.30 so will see if it is successful.

    Konsta - we have Excel 2013, although the file is generated from a Aspect system I believe so I dont know if that will have an effect.  We are on DataMeer version

    For your test, could you add in column headings as well, just so everything is the same.

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  • Elwyn Roberts

    OK so I have diagnosed it further and determined it is not a Datameer issue, but an issue with the file being created.  The file is being generated automatically from a system called Aspect.  The file looks like excel, smells like excel, everything appears to be excel.  But I have a strong theory that there is some file encoding going on under the hood that is creating this issue.  Because if I simply open the file, save it and close the file - without making any changes at all, it will import just fine.

    Apologies for taking up your time on this... like I said, if I sent you the excel file there is nothing to indicate that it would cause a problem.  But I suspect when I open it, the act of saving it corrects the encoding and thus it works.

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