CDP Hive ImportJob failing with limit



  • Konsta Danyliuk

    Hello Daniel.

    When you create a new ImportJob, Datameer reads a few records from the data source to detect the dataset's schema and show the preview at the DefineFields step.

    When one sets up an ImportJob via UI and provides a custom SQL query, Datameer adds to this query the LIMIT clause to get only a few records for the schema detection and the preview. If the custom query already contains the LIMIT clause, it would mean that Datameer is trying to execute the query like SELECT a, b FROM table LIMIT 2 LIMIT 10, which will fail with an SQL syntax error.

    A workaround for this would be to create an ImportJob via UI using the query without the LIMIT clause and then update this artifact via REST API, adding the LIMIT directly in the JSON definition.

    Here is the appropriate chapter of the Datameer documentation - Update Import/ Link/ Upload.
    I hope this addresses your concern.
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  • Amalan, Daniel

    Thanks Konsta. 

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