You observe that the access from automation via REST API fails with HTTP Error 401 when too many requests are started in a short period of time. To work around the issue you are describing, you can reuse the DAPSESSION
cookie returned by the first successful RESTful call.
Follow the short example that creates a folder `Test` within the file browser (which is usually not necessary). You will most likely only need the DAPSESSIONID used later on.
Step-by-step guide
Open a session and gather session ID and CSRF token. You can do this in example by
Gather ID and tokencurl -u admin:admin -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -D - http://localhost:8080/dev | grep "DAPSESSIONID=[a-z0-9]*\|DatameerCSRF.token = '"
curl -u admin:admin -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -D - http://localhost:8080/dev | grep -oe "DAPSESSIONID=[a-z0-9]*\|\(DatameerCSRF.token = '\)[^']*[']"
Reuse the session ID and CSRF token.
The example shows how to create an folder calledTest
under the parent folder for the useradmin
.Access via cookiecurl 'http://localhost:8080/browser/create-folder' -H 'Cookie: datameerWelcomeThisSession=false; datameerWelcomeNextStart=true; jstree_open=null; jstree_load=%23null; DAPSESSIONID=<id>; tutorial=false' -H 'Origin: http://localhost:8080' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' -H 'Accept-Language: de-DE,de;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4' -H 'X-Datameer-CSRF: <token>‘ -H 'User-Agent: cURL' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Referer: http://localhost:8080/browser' -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --data 'parentFolderId=23&name=Test' --compressed
Usually it will not be necessary to create folders in that way, as if you upload artifacts via REST API it will be done for you automatically.
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