Parsing a STRING type to a FLOAT and being able to detect a comma or a dot as decimal separator.
Depending on the localization of the different currency symbols, thousand and decimal separators are used.
For example:
In German, the decimal separator is a comma (,), in English it is a dot (.). In Europe the currency symbol is mostly €, in the US it is $.
The following approach will work for different localizations, whereby it will be necessary to adjust the currency symbol and separators.
Step 1
If your currency string is for a Euro amount, it will include the € symbol, a dot (.) as thousand separator and a decimal ending with comma (,00).
€ 1.000,00
1.000,00 €
First remove the currency smybol and the thousand separator.
=REPLACEALL(#TextInput; "(\\€|.)")
This will result in the following string
In some cases you may remove also the decimal separator and trailing zeroes (,0).
=REPLACEALL(#TextInput; "(\\€|.|\\,0*$)")
The result will be
Step 2
If necessary, correct the decimal separator
=SUBSTITUTEALL(#TextInput; ","; ".")
Which will return
and convert it to FLOAT.
If your string does not have a currency symbol, you may directly use
=FLOAT(SUBSTITUTEALL(SUBSTITUTEALL(#TextInput; "."; ""); ","; "."))
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