Need Inputs
I have 36 months data in a single sheet.
I need to compare each month data for a particular field per say Client name and see who were added in the second month.
Need to do the same for first month and second month
second month and Third month
Third month and 4 month and so on
Can i do this in Datameer ?
Hello Shiva.
It seems you have raised two similar posts in different Community sections. I've replied to one at Workbooks&Analyaitns -, let's use it for further discussion, -
Thank you Danyliuk
can you please let me know how to do the belwo
I have below requirement can you tell me how to do it in datameer
Company_A Company_B My_Column ABC ABC Existing ABC W ABC L If company_A is equal to Company_B i need to calculate a new column called My_Column and write Existing in it.
If company_A is empty and Company_B has any value the i need to writea W in my new column
If a company_A has a value and Company_B has nothing then i need to write L in my new column
Hello Shiva.
It seems you have updated both your posts in different Community sections. I've replied to one at Workbooks&Analytics -, let's use it for further discussion,
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